Gig XP

SQL Server Licensing Internet Facing Deployments & External Connector

Internet Facing Deployments

If you are looking for SQL Server Licensing details for Internet Facing Deployments, let us try to help you out! If you have an Internet-facing application which has an unknown number of users, you will not be able to use Server/CAL model. It is because you do not know the exact number of users using the system.

Myth Buster: Only the Application is connecting to SQL Server, so I need only one license. This is not true. In reality, you will have to license all users connection to your SQL Server directly or indirectly. There are no concurrent licensing models available in SQL Server.

Internet Facing Deployments

For SQL Server, since it is an Internet-facing web application, you will need to go with the Core licensing model. Core licenses are sold in packs of two, so customers must divide the number of licenses required by two to determine the actual number of line items (licensing SKUs) to order.

Applicable to Windows Server (Not SQL Server), if the following condition is fulfilled, you would need an External Connector license. See below:

An External Connector is defined as: “An External Connector (EC) license is an alternative to CALs for each server that external users will access. External users are users who are not employees or onsite contractors. An EC license assigned to a server permits access by any number of external users, as long as that access is for the benefit of the licensee and not the external user. Each physical server that external users access requires only one EC license regardless of the number of instances running. The right to run instances of the server software is licensed separately; the EC, like the CAL, simply permits access. EC licenses, like CALs, are version and functionality specific. They must be the same version or later than the server software being accessed. The decision on whether to acquire CALs or an EC for external users is primarily a financial one.”

Official Documentation