Gig XP

SQL server licensing in a VM for SQL Server 2014 2016 & 2017

SQL server licensing in a VM

In case if you are looking for more information on SQL server licensing in a VM, look no further. Read along to know more on the topic.

SQL server licensing in a VM

SQL Server Licensing in a Virtual Machine can be a difficult thing to understand. You need to thoroughly understand the types of licensing available, i.e., Server/Core&Device CAL or Core-Based licensing. Once you know the basics of Microsoft SQL Server licensing, you can easily understand how to license it in a Virtual Machine (VM) environment. More than 60% of the current SQL Server deployments are in the Virtual environments, and Microsoft expanded virtualization rights, options, and benefits to provide greater flexibility for customers deploying in virtual environments.

To License SQL Server in a virtual machine, you have two options:

Buying Software Assurance with SQL Server gives you License mobility rights, VM Rights and Upgrade options to the next version of SQL Server.

Licensing Virtual Machines Using the Per Core Licensing Model

Note: You can only license individual VMs for SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition for customers who are running the software in a virtualized environment under the Per Core model.

Source: Microsoft Licensing Guide for SQL 2014

Licensing Virtual Machines Using the Server+CAL Licensing Model

Only available for SQL Server 2014 Standard and Business Intelligence editions.

Source: Microsoft Licensing Guide for SQL 2014

I hope this gives a reasonable explanation of how to License SQL in a VM. In my next post, I will talk about “Advanced Licensing Scenarios” like High availability and disaster recovery.