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How to Enable Parallel Downloading Flag on Chrome on Windows 10

enable Parallel Downloading Flag

In this article, we talk about how to enable Parallel Downloading Flag on Google Chrome. If you are interested to know about this new feature, read along to know more!

There has been constant improvement put on by Google to improve its popular Chrome browser. Google is dedicated to making its Chrome browser better across every platform, with the inclusion of new features regularly. Recently, Google has released the 63rd iteration of the same for its Android users. There is a new feature named “Parallel Downloads” implemented in Chrome, and it will prove highly useful.

Presently, Google is carrying out a final real-world speed test through its Dev and Canary channels. There will be a noticeable improvement in the download speed; however, this search giant has not any numbers as of now. Until then, the Chrome users need to understand how they can enable the Parallel Downloads to feature on their Chrome browser:

Parallel downloading mostly means that Google Chrome can create multiple connections to download a single file in fragments. This feature boosts the download speed while comparing to typical download. For the Chrome users, the slow download speeds may be a significant hassle, and for them, this Google Chrome flag is a perfect solution.

The parallel downloading flag enhances your download speeds. Its working operation is based on the creation of parallel jobs in the browser’s backend. Every file is divided into three separate tasks to increase the speed of the entire process.

You may wonder what the prominent benefit of parallel downloads is. Well, it reduces download time while downloading many resources. One thing which is significant to take into account is that web browsers are not designed to facilitate parallel downloads. In general, web browsers restrict the number of concurrent connections created to a host.

It is usually observed that the number of these connections is limited to 6 simultaneous transfers. The Chrome parallel downloading flag feature is made available in Chrome for Android OS and also on Windows, Chrome OS, Linux, and macOS.

How to Enable Parallel Downloading Flag on Chrome?

Before proceeding for the procedure to enable parallel download on Chrome, it is essential to make sure your device is operating the newest build of Chrome Canary or Dev. To let this feature work successfully, you have to enable the ‘Chrome flag.’ Look at the detailed steps below:

It is vital to take into account that the parallel download feature will get activated instantly by default on Chrome Dev and Canary channels. However, on the Chrome Beta and Stable will bag, it may be activated sometime in the future.

Since the parallel downloading feature is enabled, the users would be able to do the same in Chrome stable builds whenever Chrome 64 arrives. This feature will be extremely beneficial in the future because Google is about to test support for HDR video playback as well as custom download folders.

Concluding Note:

The parallel downloading feature functions excellently for every download that exceeds 2 seconds. Therefore, in real life, it is applicable in every file download. The difference will be noticeable when downloading huge files.

For those users who occasionally download small files online, this feature will not make a prominent difference. However, the differences are perceptible when going for large files download such as ROM zips.

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